Neurolens in Asheville

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Are Strained Eyes Interrupting Your Day?

Imagine trying to enjoy a family movie night, but you can’t seem to relax because of the nagging eye strain from a long day at work. Your eyes may feel heavy and dry, or you may experience recurring neck tension and a dull headache.

Sound familiar? Your eye fatigue might be caused by eye misalignment.

An uncorrected misalignment can ruin precious moments with your loved ones. But we're here to help. At Carolina Eye On Merrimon, we offer an eyewear solution that's tailored just for you. Neurolens is a prescription lens that can help alleviate eye strain to restore visual comfort.

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What Is Neurolens?

Neurolens eyeglass lenses are designed to address eye misalignment. Even minor misalignments make your eyes work harder because your eyes can’t work as a team.

The contoured prism is customized to your measurements, correcting eye misalignment and relieving pressure on the trigeminal nerve.

What Are the Side Effects of Eye Misalignment?

Because the eyes work harder to focus together, normal visual tasks add pressure on the trigeminal nerve (a complex system that communicates head and neck sensations). This pressure can trigger uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Eye strain
  • Eye fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Neck tension
  • Dry eye sensation
  • Motion sickness

Are Neurolens Glasses Worth It?

Dealing with eye strain can make simple tasks feel overwhelming and leave you feeling uncomfortable throughout the day. We want to help you experience visual comfort with ease. With Neurolens, your glasses can bring back the comfort and clarity you've been missing.

Correcting eye misalignment and relieving the trigeminal nerve of unnecessary stress can help you get back to enjoying the things that matter most in your day. Your eyes will thank you.

Customizing Your Neurolens Prescription

Accurately measuring your eye position is a crucial step in determining your customized contoured prism prescription. Using a specialized device, we evaluate the difference between your eye's natural position and where it should be for comfortable vision. The exam usually takes less than 3 minutes.

Your prism lenses will look just like regular eyeglasses, although the lens can appear thicker toward one edge. With your customized prescription, we can help you select a frame that makes the appearance seamless.

Get Back to Comfortable Vision with Neurolens

Don't let eye strain hold you back—take the first step toward visual comfort. Neurolens can help you experience the world in a whole new way, so you can focus at work and make those family movie nights enjoyable again.

Book an appointment at Carolina Eye On Merrimon.

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Visit Our Location


Find us on Merrimon Ave., right next to Walgreens and across the street from Ace Hardware North Asheville.

  • 825-B Merrimon Ave.
  • Asheville, NC 28804
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Are You Struggling with Dry Eyes? You rely on your vision every day, but irritating dry eye symptoms can get in the way of living life to its fullest. Not only are dry eyes uncomfortable, but they can also impact your job performance, make daily tasks increasingly difficult, and so much more.  Our optometry team […]

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December 15, 2020
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