Our Location in Asheville


We can’t wait to see you! Fill out our form below, and someone from our team will contact you shortly.

New patient’s credit cards will have to be noted when booking your appointment.

Your Payment & Insurance Options

We accept several types of vision insurance, cash, Care Credit, and most credit cards. Our team also works directly with you and your vision insurer to submit claims regarding your vision care. We strive to give our patients options so they can access our comprehensive eye care services.

Our billing process includes:

  • Working with your health plan to determine your payment amount for your visit.
  • Securely saving your credit or debit card information before or after your visit
  • Emailing you the amount you will be charged before we charge you.
  • Processing the payment for you automatically and emailing you the receipt.

Please feel free to contact us prior to your appointment to find out if your insurance provider is accepted at our clinic.

Visit Our Location


Find us on Merrimon Ave., right next to Walgreens and across the street from Ace Hardware North Asheville.

  • 825-B Merrimon Ave.
  • Asheville, NC 28804
Request an Appointment

Our Blogs

OptiLight by Lumenis

Eye Care

Are You Struggling with Dry Eyes? You rely on your vision every day, but irritating dry eye symptoms can get in the way of living life to its fullest. Not only are dry eyes uncomfortable, but they can also impact your job performance, make daily tasks increasingly difficult, and so much more.  Our optometry team […]

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December 15, 2020
Dr. Brooks

Are You Struggling with Dry Eyes? You rely on your vision every day, but irritating dry eye symptoms can get in the way of living life to its fullest. Not only are dry eyes uncomfortable, but they can also impact your job performance, make daily tasks increasingly difficult, and so much more.  Our optometry team […]

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